One of the basic principals of Humanism is to make the most of the one life we know  we have


Many of us share humanist beliefs without knowing it. Humanism is the outcome of a long tradition of free thought that has inspired many of the world’s great thinkers and creative artists and gave rise to science itself. CHA provides a group of celebrants who are highly trained, regulated and insured. Each will work closely with you to create a ceremony that is warm, inclusive and above all, deeply personal to those involved.

Happy & Fulfilled

Humanists believe:

  • that we can live good lives without reference to religious beliefs.
  • that we should try to live happy and fulfilled lives and help others to do so.
  • that there are more things that unite humanity than divide us.

However, definitions abound and there are longer and shorter versions. The fullest definition is contained in the Humanists International Amsterdam Declaration 2002.

“We think the old Scots (and Northern English) saying ‘We’re a’ Jock Tamson’s bairns’ is a pretty good summary!” 

There when you need us

One of the basic principles of Humanism is to make the most of the one life we have. In a practical sense we feel that this philosophy is best served by being there when you need us. To this end, the CHA provides a group of Celebrants who are highly trained, regulated and insured. Each will work closely with you to create a ceremony that is warm, inclusive and above all, deeply personal to those involved.

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Humanism is the outcome of a long tradition of free thought that has inspired many of the world’s great thinkers and creative artists and gave rise to science itself

What is Humanism?