Anna Burnside

Anna Burnside

I can get on with everyone and anyone and have years of experience of putting people at their ease.

If my face, or my voice, are familiar, don’t be alarmed. It’s because you have seen me in newspapers or on telly, or heard me on the radio. I’ve been a journalist for 30 years, working at various newspapers and popping up as a commentator on other media. Now I’m using all my skills in communication and storytelling as a humanist celebrant, making ceremonies that are personal and appropriate and tailored for you.

I’ve dealt with politicians, Nobel prize winners, celebrities, campaigners, homeless folk, you name it. I can get on with everyone and anyone and have years of experience of putting people at their ease – and helping them to find the right words to communicate what they are trying to say.

I live in Partick in Glasgow. I have two large, expensive children. I like cooking, going to the theatre, wasting time on the internet and buying vintage toys and old plates from charity shops.

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